Am I really starting a blog?
Yes...I guess I am. It's been a 5 year journey through kidney failure, dialysis, getting approved for the Transplant list, and then....waiting....lots of waiting. Waiting for a Living Donor to match and/or waiting for "The Call" that my name came up on the transplant list and it's go time. I feel it's time I share my journey. THANK YOU for caring enough to get to the point where you're reading this! I will try not to disappoint.

I'm so very proud of you for starting your blog Josh!! I re-shared your post on my page asking others to do the same & help get the word out that you are still waiting & searching for a O+ Kidney! I also asked for everyone to help me continue to pray 🙏 for you & send you love ♥️as well through this journey, my dear friend!!! God Bless 🙌 You!!! You've Got This!!!!! Believing For You That You'll Be Blessed 🙌 with a healthy matching kidney very soon, as I know you have been so desperately needing it for a long time now!!!
So proud of you ! keep the faith!