It's been a WILD 2 weeks!
It all started with a sickness that was not kidney related. I went to Urgent Care with a sore throat, earache, swollen glands and body aches like I've never felt before. They said my Strep and Covid tests were negative, but the Doctor also said I had many of the current covid symptoms and I may have it even if the test was negative.

I went home, assumed a Covid lifestyle by locking myself up in the house, staying away from people, getting food and drugs delivered, etc. It only got worse. I got to the point I couldn't raise my head, I didn't have enough energy to walk to my kitchen, and those horrible body aches...they just got worse. Finally, my stubborn self decided, "I need help". My Parents kicked in, my Mother came up from SC and she immediately said I needed to go to the hospital. I had brain fog, literally can't remember being checked into Mission. My Magnesium Levels were so bottomed out, they said it was almost untraceable. Potassium...the same. With being so sick I wasn't following my diet closely, can soup, saltines...that's not on the diet. So my levels were all out of whack.
They wanted me to get strong dialysis and quick, so they sent me into surgery to get a temp-port and started me on Hemo-Dialysis that night. Another round the next day, plus Magnesium, Potassium, and yes...even an IV of liquids...gotta stay hydrated when you're sick (very weird for a dialysis patient). This continued, I began eating again and my strength started to come back. 4 Days on the Renal Floor at was time to go home. This blog post is finished, but the story is not...more on the life changes that are coming will be blogged this weekend. THANK YOU for keeping up to date on my Kidney Journey!
I will be praying for you, Josh! God's got this and He's got YOU!!! 🙏🙏🙏